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I had a truly amazing experience at TCTAP 2023 in Seoul! I was delighted to share my knowledge by presenting two cases of IVL, with one generously provided by David Yong. Additionally, I had the privilege of presenting a case that involved a complication, which resulted in an excellent save. Overall, it was an enriching and memorable event.

Kick off Day 1 TCTAP with my 1st presentation of an IVL case, don with Datuk Dr Kumara.

Proud to represent IJN & ICSM to share a case of complication with great save at TCTAP Day 2.

Session was chaired by Dato Dr Amin, panelists were Datuk Dr Kumara, Dr Jaya etc

IJN team came to support ICSM session!

IJN team dinner at Seoul!

Last day of TCTAP, helped colleague Dr David Yong to present his IVL case, chaired by Prof Dr Chen Shao Liang, the father of DK-Crush from China! Great experience and glad to be able to learn from sifu!

Lastly, congratulate my colleague for getting the best presenter! With Dr Liew Hong Bang, HOD of Cardiology Department, Hospital Queen Elizabeth II, Sabah, Malaysia!

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